New York Is Giving Illegals over 15,000 of Tax Payer Money!

“New York will now offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants”


“Over the weekend, as an agreement around the fund materialized, it drew forceful denunciations from state Republicans, who described it as the latest “outlandish development” of one-party rule in Albany. The state also passed tax increases on the wealthy, meaning New York City millionaires would soon pay the highest personal income taxes in the nation. from the New York Times:

Is this what Tax payer money shpuld go for? Rewarding those who break our laws seems to be what the Democrats are all about! Aren’t they suppose to serve Americans? The party of lawlessness!~RJH

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Author: We The People's News

Patriot fighting for freedom and rights . Weapon of choice the pen and 1st Amendment ! The Truth shall set you free~RJH

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